Atom & Molly

"The World's First Sub-Atomic Comic"(c)

Atom Thinking Small Molly

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This is what we are all told since we were small.

And we were always convinced that big is better.

Bigger houses, bigger cars, bigger muscles. 

This is not to say that bigger is not better … sometimes it is.

But there are those times when we have to think small.

Sometimes small is super, sleek, speedy.  Sometimes small can pack a powerful punch or give us just the right delicate touch. 

Small can navigate the tightest of spaces, avoiding obstacles, and wind its way through difficult challenges. 

Sometimes small is preferable to big.  So therefore, instead of always thinking big, sometimes we need to think small. 

Sometimes in order to think big we have to start out by thinking small.

How small you ask?

I mean really small.

Teensy-tiny small.

Itsy-bitsy teeny-tiny small.

This is where my idea for Atom & Molly comes from: thinking small, but in a big way.

Atom & Molly evolved into my wonderment as to what would life be like for the workaday atomic particle trying to balance a relationship, a career, and fun, occasionally having to deal with life’s mishaps and celebrating life’s happy moments.  Life as we know it, but on a much smaller scale, where different scientific principles are applied than what we as humans face in our daily lives. 

Is Atom & Molly based on science?  Yes, but certainly with some creative license taken.  I hope that you will enjoy the "elemental humor", and appreciate each panel's "Microscopic Meaning" that brings the panel's topic more into focus while providing some background insight into the science, culture, and characters, hopefully inspiring you to learn more.   

With a mix of science, silly humor, poetry, and engaging conversation between the two most perfectly-paired particles - Atom and Molly - the comic of Atom & Molly offers edutainment that is interesting and entertaining.


~~  Norman (the Creator of Atom & Molly)


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Copyright (c) 2017 - 2025 and beyond | Norman A. Katz