Atom & Molly

"The World's First Sub-Atomic Comic"(c)

Atom Launched on April 17, 2017 Molly

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MICROSOPIC MEANING:  Because an element consists of only one kind of atom, Molly – a molecule – would not be able to sit with Atom – an atom – at the Periodic Table of Elements.  However I have definitely taken some creative license here in my composition of Molly.  Nonetheless, if you ascribe to the theory that men are simpler beings and women are more complex entities, then I think my representation of Atom and Molly is definitely an accurate depiction of not only the real world but of the more complex human environment.  This all being said, with regards to their relationship, I know that Atom would never want to be at any table without his destined-to-be companion Molly, and visa-versa. 



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